Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Journal Want Ads Ad – March 1962

Here’s another example of the use of clip art, from the days when advertising layouts were clean and uncluttered. It’s a full-page ad that ran in the Lorain Journal back on March 10, 1962. 

The ad commemorates National Want Ad Week. (Hmmm, I don’t recall seeing that on my calendar.) Did other newspapers observe it too? Well, a quick check on the internet shows that the Argus-Leader in Sioux Falls, South Dakota celebrated it as well – and if you can’t trust the Argus-Leader, who can you trust?

Of course, many of you will notice the “CHerry 5-6901” phone number in the ad, and recall your own memorable word prefix. Ours in the 282 interchange was “AVenue.”

Today the Journal still sells want ads, but they took up less than a half-page of Saturday’s edition. There was only one garage sale, three ‘Help Wanted’ ads, and one ad for a house to rent. That’s it.


  1. Funny. Our number was 282, as well, out in Sherwood. 282-9546. Weird how we remember some of these things.

  2. My grandparents did a furious spin of the crank and asked the operator to connect them. Early 1950s in Carlisle Township. A friend of mine in Oberlin Township did not have touch tone dialing yet as of about 6 or 7 years ago. Maybe they do by now.
