Tuesday, March 15, 2022

Avon & Avon Lake Flooding – March 1952

Flooding after heavy rains seems to happen a lot in recent years in Lorain County. I’m not sure if it’s because of inadequate, aging storm sewers, or the so-called 500-year storms that seem to happen every year, but it's a problem.

It was a problem for Avon and Avon Lake seventy years ago as well, as the article below from the March 11, 1952 edition of the Lorain Journal shows. (I’m sorry I didn’t grab the continuation of the article.)
As the article notes, “Hip boots and rowboats, regarded in most circles as something to be used by anglers, apparently are going to become standard equipment in the Conrad Road area between Miller and Moore Roads, near Avon.
“Every time a heavy dew comes along, approximately a third of a mile of road is flooded there; basements fill up with water; cars get stuck; and residents don their water wings.
“And last night a steady rain sent water over the roads, over lawns, into basements and in general played havoc with daily life near the Cleveland Electric Illuminating plant at Stop 65.
“"There’s water over the motor on our oil burner, over our washer, there’s no heat in the house and the water’s clear up to our barn doors,” reported Mrs. C. J. Heinebrodt at Avon today.
“With no heat in the house, Mrs. Heinebrodt was finding it hard to keep her daughter-in-law’s four-month-old baby warm.
I wasn’t able to find Conrad Road on a map. But on the 1912 Avon Township map, there were a lot of Conrad properties and farms on both sides of today's Ohio Route 611 between Miller and Moore Road. Perhaps Conrad Road led to one of them. Anybody know for sure?

1 comment:

  1. Although I don't know for sure, my guess is that the stretch of Route 611 in Avon was once known as Conrad Road . The stretch of Route 611 between Miller and Moore Roads mentioned in the article parallels French Creek, which was probably the source of the flood water. Also, as you mentioned, several Conrad families were living in that area. A quick look at the 1930 census shows several Conrad families in that area and according to the census they were living on Conrad Road.
