Monday, February 28, 2022

Terminal Bar Opens – Feb. 27, 1952

Seventy years ago this month, the Terminal Bar opened at 1603 E. 28th Street in South Lorain. Above is the full-page ad making the announcement, which ran in the Lorain Journal back on Feb. 26th, 1952.

There’s a lot going on in the ad, with photos of “the solid oak, hand-carved back bar and the 62 foot long counter bar” as well as the uniformed cuties. Beer and hot dogs both priced at a nickel seem to be the main draw.

Someone definitely had fun writing the ad copy. “Everyone (of age) welcome - bring the wife or girl friend (but not both)” is pretty amusing.

Geo. and Zana Koury were the owners and operators of the Terminal Bar, from its opening right up until the time of the 1977 Lorain City Directory. That’s when the addresses 1601-1605 E. 28th Street were listed as vacant, and the Kourys were listed as ‘retired.’

Today, the building is gone. A Google Maps view of the bar’s former location reveals its proximity to Lake Terminal Railroad Company.

Longtime contributor Doug reminded me that a view of the former Terminal Bar building was available in Google Maps using the website’s older Street Views. I was very surprised to find out that the 1603 E. 28th Street address later became the longtime headquarters for Lorain's well-known Puerto Rican Home.


  1. The Terminal Bar has been well and truly terminated. Sad. Like so many other Lorain places in our lifetimes.

    But the TB is not alone. In my old NYC neighborhood there was a watering hole called F.U.B.A.R. (you Army vets know what that stands for!). Well, one day a construction crane crashed right on top of it. And so F.U.B.A.R. was well and truly fubared.

  2. F.U.B.A.R. can also be used to describe the pothole infested streets of Lorain.Never see any street workers at least patching small holes anywhere.

  3. I think the pot hole situation in Lorain is better described as SNAFU.Just the same old same old all the time.What else can anyone expect from the elected officials of Lorain?
