Thursday, February 3, 2022

Ed Mullinax Ad – Feb. 3, 1972

Fifty years ago, Ed Mullinax Ford in Amherst kept the Groundhog Day celebration going with this full-page ad, which ran in the Journal on February 3, 1972.

Although my family was into Oldsmobiles, I had a few high school buddies whose fathers worked at Ford. Consequently, I became familiar with their family's cars, including a Maverick that Scott Welko drove. So I can appreciate the lineup of iconic Ford automobiles in this add.

And speaking of Ed Mullinax, here’s an article that also ran in the Journal during February 1972, a little later in the month on the 27th. It provides a nice history of his dealership, as well as a brief profile of the man and his business philosophy.


  1. "Oh, I've got a Ford on my mind, mind mind
    Ed Mullinax is a friend of miiiinnneee..."

  2. Look at those car prices!! It just confirms my theory about how to sleep at night, or not.

    Car prices today, along with almost every other product, has increased tenfold since 1972. Bread: was 25 cents a loaf; now $2.50. Campbell soup: was 19 cents a can; now $1.90. Gasoline: was 35 cents a gallon; now $3.50. Houses: $15,000 to $50,000; now $150,000 to $500,000 (and worse on the coasts). You get the picture.

    If you are fortunate to have had your income increase by tenfold since 1972, you can sleep a little easier at night just by dividing today's prices by 10.

    If your income has stagnated (thank you Big Business & your politicians for union busting), then you have good reason to have nightmares about how to feed your family or simply survive with a roof over your head.

  3. Nice thing about that ad.In the used car section,every car was American made.Chevrolet,Pontiac,Dodge,Ford even AMC was represented as used cars.Built by our fellow American neighbors and friends.Not imported over here by the shipload like today with the profits going back to the mainland in southeast Asia.Lorain County is still somewhat Ford Country.Only twist is that the vehicles that are built at Fords only remaining facility in Lorain County are commercial vehicles.Ohio Assembly in Avon Lake only builds trucks with cabs on them and that's it.Think of U Haul rental trucks,dump trucks,ambulances,beer trucks,recreational vehicle chassis,etc.You can't buy a family vehicle from Ohio Assembly and expect to take a trip to the Grand Canyon in it unless you want to look like Granny in her rockin' chair on top with Ellie May sitting beside her out in the open on the flatbed.Ohio Assembly was supposed to get an electric "family" crossover SUV type vehicle and hire an additional 1500 people.But Ford reneged on that promise like they always have,and Ohio Assembly will just keep on building what they build until the electric market takes over and eventually Ford will close Ohio Assembly like they closed Lorain Assembly back in 2006.And another piece of Lorain County manufacturing will become nothing but an article in the history books.Too bad we couldn't stop the clock and go back in time and live in 1972.Everything was still American and everybody still had good jobs.
