Thursday, December 2, 2021

Pandy’s Christmas Ad – Nov. 1971

To kick off my parade of holiday posts – which I’ll sprinkle in with my usual blog claptrap – here’s a nice ad promoting Pandy’s "Wonderful World of Christmas" Open House. The ad ran in the Journal on November 12, 1971.

It just wouldn’t be the holiday season without the annual trek to Pandy’s to see the beautiful decorated trees and all of the new, trendy Christmas items. I can still point to specific Christmas decorations in my vast collection and positively I.D. them as coming from Pandy’s (especially when they’re still in the same box they came in with a price tag on it).

Of course, over the years I’ve bought a lot of trees (several Crimsom King Maples) from Pandy’s as well, and I can drive by both of my former houses in Lorain and point them out. It makes you feel good to see how big they’ve become. It also makes you feel very old.

Pandy’s already had its official Open House this year early in November, but it’s never too late to stop out there and see the sights.

Here’s the link to the company’s Facebook page.


  1. I've never actually been a Pansy's customer, but it's good to know that they're still there.
    This occurred to me yesterday; it's been thirty years since I left Lorain... how is that possible?

    1. My phone misspelled "Pandy's", not I.
      Stay warm, y'all!

  2. Alan,you haven't missed much by moving out of Lorain.The city has just gotten a little more run down.A little more sad looking.And a little more of a shell of its former glory years.That song from Springsteen-(Glory Days)-should be Lorains anthem.
