Saturday, December 25, 2021

Merry Christmas!

Here’s wishing all of you a Merry Christmas! 

The above ad for Brady’s Chuckwagon Chicken House on Leavitt Road near W. 21st Street ran in the Journal back on December 23, 1971. The ad is interesting because although Brady’s Restaurant had closed by that time, all of John Brady’s other business enterprises at that time are listed: the Chicken House, the mobile catering business and the office coffee service. I hope Mr. Brady is doing well these days.

(One of these years I will get around to my long-postponed, multi-part look at Brady’s Restaurant advertising through the years. Maybe in 2022!)

Anyway, I’ll be taking my usual break from blogging from now until New Year’s Eve. So enjoy your holiday time with your family and friends, and hopefully I’ll be back in time to wish you a Happy New Year!


  1. Thanks, Buster! Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  2. Have a get set of holidays, Mr. Brady.
    Enjoy your well-earned blogging break.
    Be sure to come back, now, hear?

  3. Merry Christmas everybody and have a very Happy New Year.
