Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Midway Mall Presents Jett’s Petting Zoo – Nov. 1971

A 1976 appearance of Jett’s Petting Zoo
at Briarwood Mall, Ann Arbor, Michigan
(Courtesy of Ann Arbor District Library)
Kids love animals, especially getting up front and close with them. That’s why attractions (such as Deer Park in Castalia) where kids are able to pet and feed their animal friends are so popular.

Traveling ‘petting zoos’ have been longtime favorites as well. One of them, Jett’s Petting Zoo, visited Midway Mall fifty years ago this month. Above is the ad which ran in the Journal on November 16, 1971.

According to the ad, Gene Jett had quite a traveling menagerie, including: African Bush Goats, Persian Lamb, Muflin Sheep, Barboa Sheep, Anteater, Macaws, Emu, Baby Wallaroo, Aldabra Tortoise, Zebu Cow, Baby Donkey, Capuchin Monkeys, Llamas, Cameron Goats, and Misc. Sheep & Goats.

That’s Rocky the tortoise in the ad.


Rocky was the subject of a controversial custody case of sorts in the mid-1980s. 

During one shopping center appearance of Jett’s Petting Zoo, a local humane society confiscated Rocky after some complaints of animal cruelty. Jett denied the claim. 

Jett was convicted, however, and a judge ordered him to relinquish ownership of Rocky to Mesa College. However, Jett’s conviction was eventually reversed, and Rocky was returned to Jett.

I just don't believe that a man would spend his life around animals and not become attached to them, and concerned about their welfare.

I imagine that it would be quite a challenge to operate a petting zoo in 2021, when much more attention is paid to animal rights, and penalties for animal cruelty are much greater. But petting zoos are still around (including one at Cedar Point), so apparently things are working out to everyone’s (including the animals) satisfaction.

Click here for a full list of "the best petting zoos in Northeast Ohio."

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