Thursday, November 18, 2021

Midway Mall Ladies’ Day Sale – Nov. 1971

Fifty years ago this month, Midway Mall featured a Ladies’ Day Sale on November 9th, 1971. 

The above ad, which ran in the Journal on the eve of the special promotion provides a snapshot of some of the stores at the Mall at that time, including Higbee’s, JCPenney’s, Winkelman’s, Andre Duval, Lane Bryant, Cleveland Fabric Shops, Woolworth and Sears.
There are some nice deals in the ad. Harvest House Cafeteria offered frankfurters and sauerkraut (with a choice of two vegetables, roll & butter and a beverage) for only a buck; Clown Town featured kiddie portraits starting at two dollars; and Goodyear was giving away a free window scraper “for any lady who stops in our store Ladies’ Day.”
Walden Book Store has an ad featuring Jack LaLanne’s Slim & Trim Diet and Exercise Guide, as well as The Family Knitting Book.
Do stores still have Ladies’ Day Sales in these gender neutral times?
Interestingly, Midway Cinema (it hadn’t been twinned yet) offered a free movie: Two Mules For Sister Sara (1970), starring good old Clint Eastwood and Shirley MacClaine. Happily, both of them are still with us.
I suppose it was a good choice for women to see, but that movie has always bugged me, with Shirley MacClaine’s phony nun character having fooled Clint throughout much of the movie.)


  1. I like how it said recommended for adults only for Two Mules for Sister Sara.That's about as tame a western if there ever was one.But I can see in todays America where everybody dislikes guns that it would probably get an X rating.Those singing cowboy movies should be very popular with the antigun crowd.Because instead of shooting at someone they would just bust out a yodel.

  2. Harvest House had the absolute best rolls. I don't know why I remember that - they were probably just pre-packaged ones. Any Walden Books... miss the old Midway Mall days.

  3. I don't believe there are ladies' nights anymore either.
