Monday, November 8, 2021

Lorain City Airport “Photo Bomb” – 1969

When reviewing old Journal microfilm at the library, it’s always interesting to discover a photo in the paper of some Lorain landmark that no longer exists – especially one that fewer and fewer residents remember.

Once in a while, the landmark is not even the subject of the photo, and just managed to get into the background. In this case, it’s the familiar headquarters building of the old Lorain City Airport (also known as Long’s Airport). The photo ran in the Journal on October 30, 1969.

It’s unfortunate that the focus of the piece is an accident that occurred right in front of the airport building, but at least there were no casualties. As the caption notes, a gentleman was charged with failure to yield the right-of-way when his tractor collided at the intersection of Leavitt Road and Mark Drive with an auto.

Here’s a 1964 view of the airport, courtesy of the Lorain Historical Society. You can see Mark Drive and the airport building in the lower right of the photograph. By the way, that’s pre-widened Leavitt Road.

Here’s a similar, current Google Maps view.

And today – fifty-two years after the Journal article, newer residents of the area have no idea that the Lorain City Airport was ever there.

Looking west from Mark Drive towards where
Lorain City Airport used to be

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