Thursday, November 25, 2021

Happy Thanksgiving – 1971 Style!

It’s Thanksgiving – so here’s hoping all my readers enjoy a wonderful day celebrating with their family and friends. Despite everything going on in the world today, there is always plenty to be thankful about.

And in honor of the holiday, here’s yet another one of those full-page ads that the Journal used to run with a list of sponsoring companies. (Why doesn’t the Morning Journal continue this tradition today?)

There’s a nice sentiment in the ad copy as well, with nary a mention of Communism.

As usual, the art accompanying the ad is of its time and not too diverse. It’s somewhat amusing that the two Pilgrims resemble their modern day equivalents somewhat. (Click here to visit the clean-shaven 1965 version of this ad, or here to go back even further for the 1959 edition.)

Anyway, the roll call of ads contains the usual suspects – that is, many long-forgotten local firms, and the local predecessors of today’s banking institutions. But at least the Journal and Discount Drug Mart are in there (along with Ridge Hill Memorial Park).

Nov. 25, 1971 Ad for Brady’s Chuckwagon

For more Thanksgiving blog fun, click here to read about the first Thanksgiving from the perspective of 1937. Or click here to revisit those days in the late 1960s when the day after Thanksgiving was an all-day cartoon feast for kids on TV. 
Or click here to bring up ALL of my past posts about Thanksgiving. It’s a real corny-copia of Thanksgiving memories. When you scroll down, be sure to click “Older Posts” in the lower right hand corner to bring up the rest of the posts.


  1. Happy Thanksgiving to the Brady Family!!

  2. Thanks, Rae! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family too!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone, from the Cannon Pointer Emeritus, moi!

  4. That’s right, Alan, you need to make a pilgrimage back to Lorain sometime and point that cannon again! Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for being such a big part of this blog.
