Monday, November 1, 2021

Fall Foliage 2021

It took a while, but the leaves finally changed up here by the lake. In some areas, it’s more or less at its peak; elsewhere, the leaves are still green. It’s different everywhere you go.

For various reasons, I haven’t been able to devote any time to my usual fall foliage sampling from around the area. But I did make it down to Mill Hollow for a brief visit to photograph the usual subjects. (Actually, I just used my cheapie Tracfone Android phone.)

Right behind my condo is this pleasing vista of the old quarry, located south of the Route 6 railroad overpass.

As usual, I photographed some of the same subjects down at Mill Hollow as other years. It’s interesting (to me at least) to compare them with past versions. While I was there, I also took a relaxing stroll along my favorite trail.

Last but not least, here’s a view from Shady Lake Drive, just off Sunnyside.


  1. I wish I could come back up and do some hiking, before it gets too cold.

  2. It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas 2051!

  3. Now we all get to enjoy our 8-9 months of bad weather.There is nothing like being holed up in your house when it is raining or snowing outside for days on end.It's only a feeling that a midwesterner can describe.That there Arizona looks better and better the more I think about it.
