Friday, September 10, 2021

New Teachers in Vermilion – Sept. 1971

It seems quaint now, but back in the 50s, 60s and even the 1970s, the Journal used to run articles at the beginning of the school year that introduced the recently hired teachers for the various school districts to its readers. It was a nice touch that created a small town atmosphere in which parents could get familiar with the backgrounds of the people teaching their kids.

With all of the various elementary, junior high and high schools, Lorain’s new hires were sometimes quite numerous, resulting in lengthy Journal articles. Since Vermilion is much smaller, the number of new hires were fewer in number, as you can see from the photo above which ran in the paper on September 3, 1971.

The caption reads, “Teachers new this year to the Vermilion School System were welcomed at a luncheon yesterday. Chatting following the luncheon were, left, civic leader Dorothy Litman, Janet Vincent who will teach at Lake School, Richard Harris of Vermilion, who will teach at Vermilion High, Marcia West, assigned to South Street School and Jack Armstrong, a veteran Vermilion teacher.”

The photo was taken down near the McGarvey’s parking lot. You can see the Crow Lumber building in the background. Here’s what it looked like last evening.


Back here, I posted the Journal article profiling the new teachers at Admiral King High School for the 1963 school year.


  1. I had Mr. Harris as one of my teachers at VHS in the mid-70s. He was an excellent teacher and a master of puns. He instilled an appreciation for puns in me that lives on to this day over 40 years later. VHS was blessed with many fine teachers and I feel fortunate to have graduated from there.

  2. Thanks so much for leaving your comment. I was hoping that a few readers would recognize an old teacher from the photo and leave a nice comment about how their lives were enriched by them. Thanks again!

  3. Richard Harris was my English teacher that year. One ofthe more engaging members of our faculty. sually a humorous bright spot in an otherwise dull day.
