Thursday, September 30, 2021

Lorain’s New City Hall Rendering – Sept. 1971

Back in July, I posted a July 1971 Journal article that included a sketch of what Lorain’s new City Hall was going to look like. It was a little on the cartoony side, and might not have convinced the public that the finished building would justify the $5 million dollar price tag.

Well, by September, the Journal had its hands on a proper architectural rendering and featured it on the top of the front page of its September 25, 1971 edition.

For the residents who were used to City Hall being a musty old mansion, it must have been quite an eye-opening revelation, signaling that Lorain had finally arrived. The ten-story version of the design (compared to the shorter one that was built) was quite impressive.
I’ve been admittedly pretty rough on this building, mentioning more than once that I wouldn’t feel too bad if it met the same fate as so many other buildings in town that were deemed an eyesore or nuisance. But I’ll bet that I could come to like it if it was remodeled somewhat. 
My suggestion? Eliminate the curves at the base of the vertical support structures and paint them white or light grey. Then swap out the windows throughout with dark glass for contrast. In other words, make it look more like the black and white architectural rendering – sleek and modern. Also, covering up the stained fascia of the police station with a modern material would improve it as well. 
Looking at the whole complex from West Erie Avenue,  I’ve often wondered why the Lorain Police Department building is cocked like that compared to City Hall. But a look at the aerial view explains why – it’s placed on the property like that to be aligned with Broadway.


  1. I’ve always thought this building looks very similar to the old Holiday Inn (the tower portion) by Midway just cut in half lengthwise. The base comes out at both. They are so dated.

  2. I always thought that Lorains city hall looked like something out of the Planet of the Apes movies.Like that futuristic city in Conquest of the Planet of the Apes with all those brutalist styled buildings.It might look dated now,but it has a strong design to it.

  3. It's not a great building, but it is of its time. There was a movement 50 years ago to soften modernist designs with details taken from other periods, thus the buttresses and roof line. One good example of this tendency was the elegant old Jewish Community Federation building at E. 18th and Euclid in Cleveland, designed by Edward Durrell Stone:

    To me, the biggest problem with City Hall is the stripe of brown brick down the right side, which looks clumsy. But you are right, the buttresses are bad, the siting is awkward and the police building is grimy.

    It could have been worse - brutalism was then coming into vogue.

  4. Did they ever consider having a helipad on the taller main building of city hall?It would have been foward thinking and futuristic if this was proposed as part of the original plans.But liability concerns probably nixed it in the end.Remember back in 1977 there was a deadly accident on top of the Pan Am building in Manhattan.5 people were killed stemming from an accident on the helipad.
