Thursday, August 5, 2021

Lorain Lighthouse Vandalized – August 1971

Although it’s nothing to be nostalgic about, the vandalism of the beloved Lorain Lighthouse was making news back on August 1, 1971. Above is the article that appeared that day in the Lorain Journal.

Apparently some modern day pirates had been busy. According to the article, “The U. S. Coast Guard reported that on July 9 someone broke into the lighthouse, smashed several windows, broke the lenses on the floodlights that light the building, and took expensive lighthouse equipment.

“The thieves took two brass diaphones (the sounding parts of foghorns) and without them the foghorns won’t work. They also took a $200 chain hoist which is used to lift equipment to the lighthouse and a trolley chain.

“This incident is only one of several cases of vandalism to the old lighthouse that has lighted Lorain’s harbor for the last half a century.”

It’s all pretty shocking. The article notes that the lighthouse was on federal property, and that entering it or damaging it was a federal crime. Even the FBI was called in to investigate.


If you’ve never seen it before, click here to read Valerie Smith’s comprehensive history of the Lorain Lighthouse. It’s extremely well-researched and includes some great photographs (as well as some Passing Scene cartoons).


Hey, is that a drawing of John Travolta in the Penneys ads for the kiddies to color?


  1. I bet some hippies were responsible for the vandalism.After dropping some acid and after their late "60's summer of love fest they got bored with their druggie lifestyle and didn't want a job so they just went around vandalizing stuff.Which led to their children and then their children vandalizing and reeking havoc on their community like the motorcycles and all terrain vehicles that ride around illegally in Cleveland now.Just the other day hundreds of outlaw biker kids and gang bangers had the highways shutdown in Cleveland.And they were shooting guns too.And this all leads back to the original rebels,the hippies of the 1960s.And it will only get worse as the decades and generations continue.I hope the hippies are proud of what they created.

  2. That's some kind of speculation, Mr./Ms. Anonymous, based on . . . what???

    So, Dan, since, as lawyers, we both know that Anonymous' prejudicial musings are inadmissible as evidence in any court, it behooves me to ask: Did the FBI ever catch the vandals and, if so, who, culturally and/or generationally, were they?

  3. I couldn’t find a follow-up article about whether the F.B.I. ever caught anyone, nor was there any mention in the online Lighthouse History. More preventive measures were taken to keep intruders out was the main result.
