Friday, July 23, 2021

Lorain City Club’s Kids Baseball Day – July 19, 1951

Here’s a nice reminder of a different time, a time when Lorain had an active City Club that sponsored an annual trip to take a group local kids to see a Cleveland Indians game.

The full-page ad ran in the Journal on July 18, 1951.

It was a total community effort (not to mention the involvement of the Indians as well). 

The list of local industries and organizations that helped make the event possible included the various ethnic societies (such as Sons of Italy, United Polish Club, Slovenian Home, Saxon Club, etc.), the unions, fraternal organizations (such as the Elks), service organizations (such as Lorain Lions Club, Lorain Kiwanis Club) the veterans organizations, the utilities, the area’s industrial giants (National Tube, Fruehauf, Nelson Stud, B. F. Goodrich Chemical, etc.) and of course the Journal itself.

It was a great game too – the Indians versus the Boston Red Sox. The Indians and pitcher Early Wynn prevailed, winning 5-4.


  1. Hey, Dan, how did they choose the kids who got o go to the game? I was 1 year old in 1951 so I don't remember if I went to the game or not.

  2. I realized after I began working on this post that I didn’t have any other information about that very subject (how kids could apply to go to the game) so I’m going to have to do a little follow-up research at the library and update the post. Sorry!

    By the way, one of your relatives was in my Ohio State Industrial Design classes with me: Jane Bobel. Very nice person and very talented.

  3. kids filled out a application to attend that was printed in the Lorain Journal
