Wednesday, June 2, 2021

Vermilion’s “Ol’ Swimming’ Hole” – June 3, 1971

Here’s something that caught my eye from the front page of the June 3, 1971 Journal. Although the photo is a little dark, you can see boys swimming in what looks like a nice tree-lined lake.

The caption reads, “JUST HOW LITTLE the basic joys of life change from generation to generation is illustrated nicely by this seemingly rustic scene at a swimming hole in Vermilion. It could be a flashback to early 1900. But it wasn’t. It was yesterday, less than 200 feet from East Liberty Avenue, and in full view of hundreds of motorists streaming along the busy highway.”

With that description of the location (as well as the home addresses of the swimmers), I knew exactly where the photo was taken. It’s the old quarry located right behind my condo, near the highway overpass. (I wrote about it back here.) 

Back in 1971, when the Journal photo was taken, my Woodlands condo wouldn’t even be built for another eighteen years. 

Today, the quarry is private property, with posted NO TRESPASSING signs. But even though it’s not part of my condo, it’s still a beautiful setting and enjoyable to look at year-round. Ducks, geese and eagles like it too.

This is the view looking north from Woodland Drive.
You can see the Liberty Avenue (U.S. 6) overpass off in the distance.


  1. I lived in the subdivision just south for over 10 years, but I don't remember any swimmers since my high school days in the early 70s.
