Monday, June 21, 2021

Lorain Times-Herald Front Page – June 28, 1918

Back in June 1918, World War I still had another five months to go before Germany formally surrendered. 

But that’s not why I’m posting the front page of the Lorain Times-Herald of June 28, 1918. The thing that caught my eye is a little article entitled, “AEROPLANE LANDS HERE.”

As the short report notes, “An aviator was obliged to bring his plane to the ground this afternoon on the farm of William Neuman of Oberlin-rd.

“Great crowds gathered from all parts of the city and score of persons drove to the scene in automobiles. It was not learned what the trouble was that brought the machine to the ground.”

(Longtime readers of this blog might remember that the William Neuman dairy farm, located on the corner of Meister Road and Oberlin Avenue, has been a source of great interest to me. I’m still looking for a 1950s Journal article showing how the old farm house was moved from its spot on Oberlin Avenue to a new location on Meister only a few hundred feet away.)

Elsewhere on the page is the usual Lorain mayhem: a man arrested for attacking his son with a leather strap; a saloon brawl over an argument about a bottle of beer, ending with a man getting clubbed over the head.

There’s also a mention of the upcoming annual excursion of the Lorain shipyard workers to Cedar Point on the steamer City of Erie.

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