Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Hart’s Jewelry Ad – June 25, 1951

So how did kids keep cool in the summer back in the days when air conditioning wasn’t as prevalent as it is now?

Well, if they were growing up in Lorain, then perhaps a swim down at Lakeview Park or one of the city pools might have been an option. But what if they were too young to go swimming by themselves, and were more or less restricted to the yard where Mom could keep an eye on them?

Then this 50 inch inflatable pool offered by Hart’s (the jeweler whose ads seemed to promote everything but jewelry) would have been just the ticket. The ad ran in the Lorain Journal back on June 25, 1951.

The pool's a good one too, made of genuine Boltaflex, "the plastic with the shine.” 

There’s even a portable metal shower that hooks up to a garden hose, which seems like a pretty good idea. As the ad notes, “Many parents shun public bathing places because of diseases! Put the beach in your backyard!”
All for the price of $11.95 – or $123.73 in today’s dollars, according to one of those online inflation calculators. 
No wonder there was an optional 50 cents down weekly payment option.


  1. I like the disease part.What was prevalent then is still prevalent now thanks to Covid-19.Thank you China.

  2. Using the Inflation Calculator web site... Today this pool would cost....$123.73... Bill N

  3. "Quality tested and certified" by Bob Irwin. Who the heck was Bob?

  4. I don’t know either, Dennis, but it looks like the only other examples of "quality tested - guaranteed” Bob Irwin Products that survive today are his motorized fans. They have the same logo shown in the inflatable pool ad; there are a lot of them out there for sale on eBay and other sites. Guess they really were ‘quality tested!'
