Friday, May 7, 2021

Gettin’ Reddy for Mother’s Day – May 1956

Well, Mother’s Day is this Sunday, and I’m looking forward to it.  As to what to get Mom, I’m not sure. 

But if it was 1956 – I’d know exactly what she’d like: a Dominion electric fry pan. At least, that’s what our old pal Reddy Kilowatt recommended in this ad, which ran in the Lorain Journal back on May 1, 1956.

And if Mom wants one in 2021, there’s a couple on eBay right now. This one (below) even comes with the book. Mmmm, those eggs and bacon on the cover look pretty good to me.

This one suspiciously has a copper-colored lid, which is at odds with the Journal ad, which touted a “beautiful silvercraft finish.”
But a look at the bottom of it reveals why Reddy chose this particular fry pan – it was made right in Mansfield, Ohio!


  1. That's an expensive pan! According to an inflation calculator that is the equivalent of $158 today.

  2. No wonder Reddy offered a corn-venient payment plan of $5 a month. Once you bought the pan, you couldn’t afford food!
