Thursday, April 8, 2021

U.F.O. Research Bureau of Lorain – April 1971

Do you believe that UFOs are space vehicles from another planet, piloted by creatures that are possibly here to learn more about us?

I think it’s possible. (Nothing would surprise me these days, when you never know if you’re getting the truth about anything from the media.)

While growing up, I used to think about UFOs a lot. It’s probably because my parents had told me about the War of the Worlds radio broadcast and the chaos that followed.  

The Journal also helped fuel my interest (or anxiety, as the case may be) with the small feature about UFOs that ran on the comic page. And we even had a paperback book about the Incident at Exeter around the Brady household. 

Today, there are all sorts of forums on the internet for those who believe we are not alone in the universe, to share their thoughts, theories and stories with others who feel the same way.

But that wasn’t the case fifty years ago – which is why I find the story below from the April 3, 1971 Lorain Journal about the U.F.O. Research Bureau of Lorain so interesting.

It took a lot of guts for the two gentleman in the article to share their views about their beliefs about flying saucers so freely (and allow themselves to be photographed by our pal Gene Patrick).

And like I said, I think just about anything is possible today – so perhaps the saucer buffs mentioned in the article were well ahead of their time.


I wrote about a 1964 UFO sighting over Lorain back here.


  1. I looked and there is still a Norman Swinehart currently listed at that address.81 years old.I wonder if he still follows the UFO phenomenon?

  2. That’s a good question. I hope he doesn’t mind my posting this article.
