Thursday, March 18, 2021

Sand Pile Up at Harmon’s Beach – March 6, 1956

Although Harmon’s Beach has been closed for many years, many longtime Lorainites still have happy memories of it as a cozy place and one of the oldest beaches in the city.

I devoted a whole blog post to it back here. In that post, I presented a few Journal articles from September 1970 in which the beach’s closing (due to rowdy visitors) was being debated. In the end, the decision was made by Lorain City Council to close it to the public.

But back in 1956, Harmon’s Beach was still in its heyday. The article above, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on March 6, 1956, examines the issue of the excess sand that has accumulated at the beach, and the potential hazard it posed to boaters as well as swimmers.

The most interesting thing (of course) is the photo of the beach with the old B&O dock in the background.

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