Friday, March 5, 2021

Lorain Skyport Building

Did you know that a remnant of Lorain’s high-flying airport days is still out there on Leavitt Road?

Well, although the hangar and other buildings of Long’s Airport are long gone, across Leavitt Road is the building that was the home of Lorain Skyport.

1952 Aerial showing Skyport building (circled)
A look at the 1950 Lorain City Directory reveals that 2505 Leavitt Road was the address of Lorain Skyport, run by Ray McClenaghan. Today, the building at 2505 N. Leavitt Road is currently home to Full Gospel Ministries.

This was also confirmed to me many years ago by a knowledgable member of the Black River Historical Society (now the Lorain Historical Society).

I remember as a kid seeing the building, sitting all by itself and resembling a hangar (it hadn’t been structurally altered yet to how it looks now) and seeming right at home across from Long’s Airport. It was all closed up for many years.

Anyway, I guess it seems only proper that the building is now used by, er, sky pilots.

Learn about the good work being done by Full Gospel Ministries through its food distribution service here


  1. I am down in Phoenix visiting my 90-year old Mother like I’ve done every March for the past 27 years. I introduced here to your blog, Dan, several years ago and she reads it religiously every day now. When I woke this morning, I walked into the den, said good morning to her and asked what she was reading on her iPad. She said, “ just seeing what Dan has to say this morning.” Just wanted you to know this is how she starts her day now and how much your blogs enlighten her days. She asked me this morning if I was aware Smith and Gerhart’s had an elevator🤣😂🤣😂

  2. Thanks, Tim! Best wishes to you and your mother! Be sure to tell her that it made my day knowing that she enjoys the blog, and that it is a part of her morning routine!
