Friday, December 11, 2020

OSU Clobbers Michigan – 1970

My souvenir photo of Coach Woody Hayes. The Columbus Dispatch
sold them through the mail after he was fired in 1978.

Well, the big game between the Buckeyes and the Wolverines may be cancelled this year, but we can still look back at what happened at the November 1970 match-up. Namely, Ohio State beat Michigan 20-9.

It was revenge of sorts for the Buckeyes, who had lost to the team from up north the previous year, 24-12. Read all about it on the Lorain Journal sports page of November 22, 1970.

The funniest thing in the article is learning about Woody Haye’s ‘secret weapon’ utilized in the preparation for the game. The article notes how OSU running back Leo Hayden “picked up most of his yardage running an off-tackle play which Hayes refined after countless hours viewing a set of Michigan play films which he purchased from the Michigan Athletic Department for $80.

“"It was the best $80 we’ve ever spent,” Hayes said. “I’d recommend it highly.””


Woody Hayes, much like Woody Mathna (and Woodrow the Woodsman for that matter), seems to pop up here on the blog every so often. 

I wrote about my own memories of Woody Hayes (and how I ‘met’ him) here. I also posted a 1967 Journal article about him here.

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