Monday, December 7, 2020

Beckoning Anyone With Bob Beck Memorabilia

The famous Bob Beck caricature found in most of his ads

The Bob Beck dealership on Broadway 
(now gone)
Last month, I received an interesting email from a gentleman named Mike in New York, who is on a quest with a unique Lorain connection.

He wrote, "Good evening. I recently purchased a car sold new at Bob Beck Chevy in Lorain and would like to locate a key chain or other memorabilia from the dealership.

(Many of my readers remember the Bob Beck dealership located on Broadway at 22nd Street in Lorain. I’ve mentioned it several times on this blog and posted a few ads and articles.)

Although it might be an impossible quest (it would have been a lot easier 40 or 50 years ago), I gave Mike the contact information of a few antique dealers in who specialize in Lorain memorabilia to help him with his hunt.

I even did some amateur detective work and found some contact information for a family member. So I guess Im guilty of disrupting a lot of peoples lives over this.

But if any of you have a junk drawer with forgotten stuff from decades ago (like a Woody Mathna for Mayor nail file) please take a look for any Bob Beck-emblazoned stuff. You just never know. I had my keys on the same keychain for like, 30 years! And after it broke, I saved what was left of it since I’m such a sentimental idiot guy.

Of course, we can always make a Bob Beck keychain on CafePress

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