Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tony’s Meats – November 1970

Ad from the December 9, 1970 Journal

The distinctive logo
While I was growing up, my mother always bought her meat at one of the grocery stores near us on Lorain’s west side, such as Meyer Goldberg's. But many people shopped at one of the many fine butcher shops in the area.

One of them was Tony’s Meats, located at 220 East 28th Street. Tony Marinik and his wife Henrietta were the proprietors, and they are the subject of the great interview below. It was written by Staff Writer Hugh Gallagher and appeared in the Journal on November 1, 1970.

The former home of Tony’s Meats today.


  1. I remember my Dad - I don’t know how I remember this - going to a meat market called Ziggi’s (sp) around the mid-60s located maybe on Elyria Avenue north of 28th Street. Somewhere around that location. Dad was ahead of his time when it came to grilling πŸ€£πŸ˜‚πŸ€£πŸ˜‚

  2. Hi Tim, I have a 1964 city directory and it looks like the place was Zig’s Food Market, owned by Zygmont Rybarczyk at 2550 Elyria Avenue.

  3. I shopped at Tony's occasionally, and I loved the quality of their meats, especially the ground beef and keilbasi. As a near-carnivore, the aroma of fresh meat as I entered the shop was, to put it mildly, heady.
    The nearest place like Tony's is about fifty miles away, and quite pricey; so it goes.
    Stay warm, Charleston.

  4. Hello Dan,

    My parents usually went to Paul Aquilla's. Since my grandparents lived on W 9th street near Washington Ave...Aquilla's was close by. I remember walking into his shop in the winter months smelling a soup he always had cooking for his customers. I think he owned a shop on the south side of LHS....then moved to the north side of LHS. Very nice, friendly family business indeed! Jeff Rash

  5. We used to get fresh baby beef liver once a week from there
