Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy Thanksgiving – 1970 Style!

Here’s hoping that you and your loved ones enjoy a safe and Happy Thanksgiving! 

Fifty years ago, the Journal featured these two ads in its November 26, 1970 edition. Above is a full-page ad for Elyria Savings & Trust with a nice, stylized illustration signed ‘Nowak.’ I suspect it’s the work of Superman artist and syndicated illustrator Leo Nowak, whose 1958 Kroger artwork I posted back here. (By George, the second pilgrim from the left does bear somewhat of a resemblance to ol’ Supe.)

This second Journal ad is of the variety very familiar to regular readers of this blog, that of the full-page holiday ad with various local sponsors.

As usual, the fun (or disappointment as the case may be) is seeing what’s still around, fifty years later. Despite their full-page ad, Elyria Savings & Trust sponsored this page as well. As many of you might remember, EST became part of First Merit in the late 1990s, which was merged into Huntington Bank in 2016.

Surprisingly, this ad has more survivors than most of the ones I’ve posted in the past. The Morning Journal, the Lorain Palace Theater, and Midway Mall are all still around in some form or another.
And Ridge Hill Memorial Park, which never goes out of business.


  1. Happy holiday, Dan - and thanks for your always informative posts.

  2. Hi Buster! Thanks for the great comments you always leave! Happy Thanksgiving!
