Monday, October 26, 2020

Lorain Creamery Halloween Ads – October 1970

To start off Halloween week here on the blog, here’s a pair of Lorain Creamery ads from the pages of the Journal during the month of October 1970 – 50 years ago.

The above ad appeared in the paper on October 12, 1970. Except for the fact that social distancing rules aren't being followed, the ad would fit right in with today – with the availability of home-delivered apple cider and trick or treat candy.

It’s still kind of strange that Halloween isn’t canceled this year (although it’s not so strange when you realize how important the holiday is to retailers).

The second Lorain Creamery ad is from Wednesday, October 21, 1970.

Although trick or treating as a stereotypical burglar might not be a good idea in Lorain these days, the other costumed kid shown in the ad would be right at home in this era. He’s got the full mask that seems to be gaining popularity.

It’s funny seeing how certain masks seem to be in style while others aren't. 
Early in the pandemic, I couldn’t find any surgical type masks in any store. So I bought a few red and blue bandanas and wore them to death. 
It took great restraint not to accessorize them with my Joel McCrea-style cowboy hat.


  1. I’ll think about it, Alan! It’s just like the kind that Mr. McCrea wore in some of his later movies, including "Ride the High Country" (a personal favorite).

    If I lived in Texas like you, I'd probably wear it all the time!
