Tuesday, September 8, 2020

Lakeview Park Teens Reply – Sept. 1970

A month after the Lorain Journal ran the story on the front page about the several hundred teens that congregated at Lakeview Park each night (which appeared on this blog yesterday), the article above appeared. The follow-up article ran on September 10, 1970 and gave some of the kids that enjoyed hanging out at the park a chance to reply to their critics.

What’s interesting is that in this article, the teens – who didn’t give their last names in the first article – were happy to cooperate with Staff Writer Tom Oney.

As the article notes, “Some have also come forward to present their views face-to-face and these, along with their names, appear on this page.”

One of the Journal photos (at left) is attributed to our old friend, Passing Scene cartoonist Gene Patrick.

Anyway, it’s a nice little piece of journalism that illustrates that the fear of these average Lorain kids was largely unwarranted.


  1. I don't know,but a dude like "Billy Jack" should've cleaned that park up.Baby boomers and hippies were the start of Americas slide into the current state we are in now.Billy Jack was not a baby boomer.All the hippies wanted to do was to have a good time and smoke dope.They think they were the only people with problems?The silent generation had real problems and won the 2nd world war.The baby boomers and hippies had everything given to them.They had the world at their fingertips but they threw it all away and sold us all out.The baby boomers turned into "The Man" that they so much despised.

  2. The cool kids in the pics are pushing 70 now,,just how old are you,lol??

    Anyway,we had a good run up there early-mid 80's. Kids from Rocky River through Huron,,,Lakeview was the place to be! Wow, I'm pushing mid 50's now, and probably sound old because I think it's sad the kids today just do not have these big social gathering places. What great times it was growing up in that time period,,,except for those longhairs����
