Tuesday, September 29, 2020

John F. Kennedy Visits Lorain & Elyria – Sept. 1960 – Part 2

The Lorain Journal kept up the excitement of Senator Kennedy’s visit to Lorain by featuring expanded coverage of the story in its Wednesday, September 28, 1960 edition. 

The front page article included a photo from his appearance at George Daniel Field.

Staff Writer Jack LaVriha filed his report while covering the Kennedy motorcade as it made its way around Northern Ohio. He pointed out that it was believed “that Kennedy became an overnight political hero as the result of his first TV debate Monday night with his GOP rival, Vice-President Richard M. Nixon.”

It’s interesting that Kennedy was in Lorain the day after that historic debate.

The rest of the Wednesday, September 28, 1960 issue of the Journal had additional articles and photos related to the Senator’s visit. Here are a few more pages, culled from microfilm at the Lorain Public Library. (The first one is the continuation of the front page story.)

Page 6
Page 32
Page 33
Kennedy’s motorcade also paid a quick visit to Elyria after his appearance in Lorain. For a well-written reminisce by Marci Rich about that campaign event, as well as some great photos (including the one below), visit this Chronicle-Telegram link.
Attorney J. William McCray (left) with John F. Kennedy,
then the Democratic Presidential nominee on Sept. 27, 1960
at a rally at Lorain’s George Daniel Stadium.
Originally published in the Chronicle-Telegram Sept. 28, 1960.
Courtesy Chronicle-Telegram and William McCray family.


  1. Talk about real royalty in Lorain County.....Now all we have for a president is a draft dodging...failure to lead during a pandemic...money scamming...non tax paying...Russia loving...sexist... woman disrespecting baby boomer.Makes you want to go back in time to Camelot....before the Beatles....before the hippies and baby boomers took over and sold us all out.

  2. JFK - the original womanizer - Russia loving - bootlegging - born into daddy's illegal money driven scandal riddled family. Sounds a lot like things really haven't changed much.

    1. Maybe....But JFK was a real live war hero.Purple Heart recipient. Never dodged the service.Even tried to enlist but his back problems kept him out until he was finally allowed in with some help from his father....The key to this was that he WANTED to enlist....Remember the PT109 patrol boat?Got cut in 2 by a Japanese destroyer....JFK saved his crew....including by using his teeth to clench to a life jacket strap of one crew member that he dragged along as he swam to a nearby island......With the Bay of Pigs and Russia,JFK again saved the world from possible nuclear destruction.As far as I've read JFK never bought an election....And illegal booze has been around since the beginning of time.So no news there.....JFK wanted to withdraw from Vietnam....Lydon Johnson had other plans.JFKs death put the country on a downward spiral that she has never fully recovered from.....Today if you had a choice between JFK or whoever,I think 80% would go with JFK......Hooray for JFK!...JFK in 1960!....Hooray for JFK!
