Thursday, September 10, 2020

Emerald Valley Golf Shop – 1970

A few weeks ago, I noticed some land excavation taking place on the old Emerald Valley Golf property on Leavitt Road, and commented on how forlorn the building looked (above).

Well, from the “Lorain County Business and Industrial Review” pages of the August 17, 1970 Journal comes this reminder of the good old days: an article and small ad announcing an End of Season sale at the Emerald Valley Golf Shop.

(The article mentions Golf Pro Joe Kucirek. I posted a great article by Journal Staff Writer Bob Cotleur about Emerald Valley and the Kucirek family’s involvement in the golf course and nightclub back here.)

Anyway, the photo reminds me of this classic scene in Caddyshack (1980).

1 comment:

  1. A lot of good memories golfing at Emerald Valley. I think we were able to play 9 walking for like $4 in high school. Always looked forward to playing in the Rite Nau Classic golf outing each year in the 1990's, a lot of beer and good times! Feel a little sad every time I drive by now, the building with the clubhouse/bar is still there but wouldn't know it was once a golf course.
