Tuesday, August 11, 2020

The Return of Ol’ Lanky Long

It was six years ago (here) that I wrote about Ol’ Lanky Long, the doll that you could “fall in love with" and dance with, unless you preferred to use him as a punching bag. He was featured in an ad for Wissman’s Jewelers in the November 4, 1954 edition of the Lorain Journal.

At the time, I remarked about how much trouble I was having trying to find a photo of one that had somehow survived over the years. This wasn’t too surprising, seeing how the ad suggests that you “Throw him! Drop him! Toss him!”

It took a while but I finally found a few dolls on Ebay (minus his original hat), where he was mistaken for the Disney version of Pinocchio.

Anyway, it turns out that my 2014 blog post recently helped an Ebay store owner identify his find, although it sounds like it was more disappointment than elation. In a comment, the owner noted that it had been a while since my post, "but if anyone still cares, I found one recently and swore it was Pinocchio until I learned about Dance With Me Dolls.

"Then I stumbled upon this blog and you guys put me out of my misery letting me know exactly whom I have. 

"Its 2020 now – Pandemic times – and I do have my Ol' Lanky Long listed for sale in my Ebay store. 

With his dented schnozzola, Ol Lanky looks like hes had a rough time in the last 60+ years. His hat looks like something that Moms Mabley would have worn.

But in case you have a hankering to dance with (or torture) Ol’ Lanky Long, here is the link to the eBay listing.

1 comment:

  1. I had one of these devils when I was a kid. They didn't survive because they are stuffed, and the fabric covering rips.

    I don't remember mine being so repulsive, but then I was only five so my standards were not high. I also had a Howdy Doody, who was not exactly attractive.
