Friday, August 14, 2020

Sandy’s Fish Sandwich Ad – August 1966

Well, it’s Friday – and even though it’s not Lent, many people still think of having fish for dinner.

I believe the American Slovak Club is still holding its well-known fish fry dinners, with an expanded carry-out menu available. Here are the links to its website and Facebook page.

For those of you that haven’t lived in Lorain for a long time, you might be surprised that the city still has a Long John Silver’s on Cooper Foster Park Road. It’s a real survivor, having been there since at least the late 1970s. I’ve carried out dinner from there a few times in the last couple of months, and the food (including the hush puppies) is as good as ever. I’m also happy to note that the previously crater-filled parking lot was recently repaved.

Anyway, back in August 1966, a fish sandwich advertised as ’the hottest and largest’ in town was available at Sandy’s in Lorain and Elyria. The ad above appeared in the Lorain Journal on August 5, 1966.

It always amuses me to see cartoon ad mascots promoting the consumption of their own kind. I guess this one was only following orders, seeing as he's dressed as a Sandy’s employee.

I guess the ad was a mild dig at arch-rival McDonald’s and its Filet O’ Fish Sandwich.


  1. Their fish sandwiches were better than the Mc Donald's and Burger Chef versions, IMHO.

  2. ...My Dad bowled for the Amship team at American Slovak Home on Friday nights, so we got those fish frys on a regular basis. The Knights of Columbus on Oberlin had a good one too!

