Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Lorain Sewage Treatment Plant – July 23, 1956

Back in late July 1956, Lorain was putting the finishing touches on its new sewage treatment plant, which was dedicated earlier that year. Above is the photo that appeared in the Lorain Journal on Monday, July 23, 1956.

I can still remember back in the late 1960s, when Dad tried to turn my brothers and me into fishermen, that we used to be able to park in back of the plant and fish there. You can see parked cars in the photo above.

Now, of course, you can’t even access the plant property.

Comparing the 1956 photo with a current Google Maps aerial reveals that the plant (and the fill area on which it sits) has been enlarged over the years.

I remember reading a few years ago that Lorain's intention is to eventually move the plant. I’m not sure of the timeline of that proposal, but I hope it happens in my lifetime.

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