Friday, July 17, 2020

July 1942 – Wartime Reddy & Speedy

It’s been a while since I featured our two utility mascot pals – Speedy for Ohio Fuel Gas Company, and Reddy Kilowatt for the Ohio Public Service Company (later known as Ohio Edison).

To remedy this egregious oversight, here they are in a pair of wartime ads that ran in the Lorain Journal and Times-Herald on the same day: July 11, 1942.

Here’s the Ohio Fuel Gas Company ad. In this ad (which would probably be considered politically incorrect today), a man flame is shown operating a machine that cranks out bearings, while a female flame is canning fruit.

As you can see, Speedy was still evolving; it would take several more years before the various flame characters featured in the ads would be consolidated into just one mascot: Speedy.

Reddy’s ad promotes electric power for defense or for homes, but cagily sidesteps any sexist issues.

Reddy is still a little rough looking at this point in his career as well, with his beady eyes and ‘shockingly’ skinny frame.

Fortunately, both mascots would get makeovers in a few short years, making them more likable and guaranteeing them long careers as ‘power players’ in their respective utility company fields.


  1. I never knew Speedy's name until now.

  2. Good old fashioned patriotic Americana.....Nowadays the mascot would have to not offend people by being plain and not having any distinguishing features.
