Monday, June 22, 2020

1970 Vermilion Festival of the Fish: Wrap Up

The Vermilion Photojournal of June 25, 1970 had a wrap-up of the Fourth Annual Festival of the Fish. As I noted a few days ago, unfortunately the Sunday parade was rained out.

The front page featured yet another nice photo of Festival Queen Linda Vasitas. There’s also a nice photo of one of the Nolan Carnival rides, the “Round-Up.”

The photo caption of the band concert needs one correction, though: the American Federation of Musicians chapter in Lorain was Local 146. I know, because I was a member of it in the 1980s. (Sooner or later, some of my reminisces from those musical days will make it onto the blog.)

I read in the Photojournal a few days ago that there’ll be no Festival of the Fish this year due to the Coronavirus and that’s a shame. I like a festival where a fish is guest of honor because he's tasty – not something to set on fire.

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