Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Overlook Revisited – Part 2

Apt. 412 was at the center of the fourth floor and includes all seven windows
under the triangular peak, plus the kitchen window to the left (with the A/C unit in it)
You might be wondering how I came to live in the same apartment (#412) at the Overlook in 2017 that I lived in back in 1984-85.

It’s not that hard to believe if you think about it. It was on the fourth floor of an apartment house with no elevator. In fact, the ready availability of #412 is nothing new. It had been going on since the Overlook opened back in March 1928.

Here’s the city directory listings from the 1929 edition. Note that good old #412 (and eight other fourth floor units) are vacant.

By the time of the 1931 Lorain City Directory, the fourth floor had largely been rented out – except, natcherly, for #412 and four others.

Anyway, let’s step inside the Overlook from the parking lot, which is nicely paved now. (It was gravel and dirt when I lived there in the 1980s.) You have to use your key to get in the outside door, which was new to me too. It’s a nice security measure, but a nuisance when you are lugging groceries – or moving in or out.
Down the steps...
A couple of turns, and then it's down the hallway towards the mailbox.
We’ll take a quick peek out the front door onto East Erie before we grab our mail, though.
Then it’s back down the steps, and towards the mailbox near the end of the hallway.
After grabbing all of the mail (that’s taken weeks to be forwarded), it’s back down the hall towards the steps going upstairs.
You had your choice of two stairwells to use. One was rather narrow (and carpeted) and the other (shown above) was wider and suitable for use when moving furniture. Either way, a nice workout at the end of a long day.

If you wanted an extra workout, you did a few loads in the laundry room on the first floor, necessitating even more trips up and down the stairs.

Next: A look inside #412


  1. Yes, the stairs was my daily work out. My step father gave me an old canvas Journal bag to carry things up in. Seeing the parking lot reminded me of when my Mustang was stolen from the lot. Picture it Overlook 1984. Six a.m. I rundown the flights of stairs to leave for work. Still a little dark. No car. Did I park it where I thought I did? Checked out the whole lot, no car. I even went and looked over the hill in the lake in case it rolled away. I headed back up the stairs to call police? decide half way up to come down and make sure I just couldn't believe it. I did and it was in fact stolen and never recovered. I still look for it.
    Directory showed and Elmer McFarland in 408 in 1931. Makes me laugh as my Mom asked once do you how many butts have been in that tub? Thanks Mom.
    When I lived there in the 70's not sure about the 80's there were murals on the walls and ivied design over the arches in the halls. There was a ballroom across from mail slots in the 70's that have been turned into apts is what I heard. The one bedrooms on the back of the building had fireplaces. Dan my first apt was on 4th 1BR Front West side. Could we have lived in the same apt? Thought I knew the apt # and 412 sounds familiar its been 45 yrs. Rae

  2. HI Rae! Maybe some of the photos of #412 that I’ll post tomorrow will jog your memory! By the way, I found your name on the mid-80s directory apartment listing on this post:


  3. Dan, I even left a comment LOL rae

  4. Dan, Did you ever see the ballroom. WOW. The northside apts where nice with fire places. And French doors or something,,?? Been to long. It had a parking garage too. Thanks for everything

  5. ...An extra detail from the '31 Lorain directory - the ad for Marks Laundry Works at 1705 Oberlin. If I remember correctly that was a carpet store for some time during the 60s and 70s.


  6. The 1931 directory shows New Jersey Ave intersecting with East Erie. That's interesting because New Jersey ended at Larkmoor school (wilson st) since as far back as the late 50's. I wonder if it connected Colorado ave and Erie ave at one time? There does appear to be a missing street on the current map of Erie Ave between Euclid and Nebraska.
