Friday, May 8, 2020

Old Liberty Avenue Apartments Demolished

Last week I spent several posts examining Liberty Avenue businesses on the east side of town, looking at the changes that have occurred since 1970.

Well, the Liberty Avenue streetscape there is continuing to evolve.

As the Morning Journal noted in an article back on February 3, Kevin Boggs, owner of George’s Roofing, purchased the property at 2350 E. Liberty, which included two old buildings. One (an old apartment building) would be torn down; the other (to the west of it) would be renovated and become the offices and shop for George’s Roofing.

On Wednesday, I noticed that the former apartment building was finally being demolished. Here’s what it looked like in happier days (courtesy of Lorain County Auditor website).

Here’s what the building next door (to the west) looked like at about the same time.

And here's the view (Courtesy Google Maps) of the same two buildings from a few years ago (below). No wonder I never noticed these buildings before.

Here are a few more views of the former apartment building. 
And here are my demo shots (below) from Wednesday when I noticed what was going on. (I was coming home from a much-needed dental appointment). You’ll have to excuse the poor quality of the photos, they were taken with my little Tracfone Android, which will never be mistaken for an iPhone.
I went back on Thursday with my camera to get a few more shots. You can see how nice the building next door to the west looks now, having been remodeled and given a new roof.
It’s certainly been interesting since I moved to Vermilion watching all of the change along Route 6. 
Besides what I wrote about today, there has been the renovation of the old Sandbar to become the home of Vintage Crossing, as well as the improvements made to the spring-fed lake at the old Lake Haven Park
Just out of curiosity, I went back and looked at those old 1970 directory listings to see what was at 2350 East Liberty back then. Harbour-Town Ceramics was the business listed at 2350. 
Judging from the Historic Aerials website, it looks like either there was a different building at that location back then, or it was greatly enlarged when it became apartments.

(No buildings at all on the property)
(Harbour-Town Ceramics is large building with dark roof in center of photo)
(Future home of George’s Roofing on left, apartment building on right)

1 comment:

  1. Back in the 60s, Bob Moeller owned the site and his wife ran the ceramic business. He worked for my family at Doane Electric. He was a super salesman. It also was there home.
