Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Dairy Queen Vermilion Ad – March 31, 1965

Spring 2020 has been off to a crazy start, with all of the precautions being taken to control the Coronavirus. But hopefully things will begin to get back to normal by the beginning of summer.

One of those things to look forward to along with the warm weather is the opening of Romp's Dairy Dock on Liberty Avenue (U. S. Route 6).

As you can see in the above ad at the top of this post, back in 1965 the popular soft serve ice cream stand was part of the Dairy Queen system. The ad appeared in the Vermilion Photojournal on March 31, 1965 – 55 years ago today.

Romp’s has been a favorite topic on this blog since I moved to Vermilion.

I posted an interesting 1963 article about the history of Romp’s here, as well as a Grand Opening ad for the Dairy Queen from June 1964 here. Romps’s also made it into this article about the flooding that took place back in January 1959.

Anyway, whenever Romp’s Dairy Dock does open this year, it will be a pleasant sight indeed.


  1. April 15th is opening day this year I believe.

  2. Dan, I want to thank you for keeping this blog going with all that's going on; people need something positive to break up the tension of the current situation.

  3. Thanks, Alan. I need the distraction too!

  4. April 15th opening day? Yeah, think again.

    You're right, Alan Dee. People need something positive to break up the tension, and this blog is a solid diversion. :)
