Thursday, February 6, 2020

Sheffield Lake Winner of “Tell Me Why” – Feb. 1960

Remember the old “Tell Me Why” column for kids that ran in the Journal for years?

I’m sure you do. The educational feature was written by A. Leokum and invited children to submit questions, as well as jokes and riddles. If their submission was chosen and used in the column, the winner received various educational prizes, such as a set of encyclopedias.

I first wrote about “Tell Me Why” back here in 2017.

Well, back on February 3, 1960, the Journal featured a photograph of Bonnie Toderick of Sheffield Lake and her father Alex. Bonnie’s submission has been chosen for publication, and she won a 15-volume set of the Britannica Junior encyclopedia.

The photo caption noted, “Her question and the answer will appear in The Journal Feb. 27.”
And here’s the column for Feb. 27th, 1960.
Bonnie’s name is at the bottom of the column as the Fun Time Riddle Box contributor for the day.

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