Friday, February 21, 2020

Feb. 1970 – Sandy Goes Back to Blonde

Sandy circa 1965
Yesterday I wrote about a platinum blonde named Dolly. And strangely enough, today's post is about another blonde: Sandy, the Scottish mascot lassie of the long-gone Sandy's Hamburgers fast-food chain (of which there were two outlets in Lorain).

Sandy circa 1968
For a restaurant chain that hasn't been around Lorain (or anywhere) since the early 1970s, I sure write about it a lot. But it's getting pretty difficult to find anyone who remembers it besides me.

Anyway, when the Sandy's chain started out in the 1960s, Sandy was a winsome blonde. But at some point, the decision was made to make her a brunette. Maybe it was in the interest of realism.

That's the new Sandy at right. Why does she remind me of Elizabeth Montgomery – another blonde?

Nevertheless, in the ad below, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on February 23, 1970, Sandy was depicted once again as a blonde.

Hoot mon, the whole thing became moot anyway because within the next few years, Sandy's was bought out and merged with Hardee's – who had no mascot at all.

Here's a pretty good little mini-documentary about Sandy's. It even features an ad from this blog for the Grand Opening of the Sandy's on Meister Road.


  1. I remember Sandy's; I'd get burgers, fries, and fish sandwiches from the one at Lorain Plaza. I liked it better than MacDonald's (SACRILEGE!) and certainly better than Burger Chef.
    Besides, Sandy was WAY cuter than Ronald or Burger Chef and Jeff.
    SIDEBAR: Elizabeth Montgomery went the opposite route, from brunette to blonde. Check out the excellent TWILIGHT ZONE episode, "Two", to see Ms. Montgomery as a stunning, even under the grime, brunette.
    And, o'course, there's Serena.

  2. I remember the Sandy's in Elyria with "Sandy" as the slowly twirling mascot on top of the restaurant. I think it was on Cleveland St.
