Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Tower Boulevard Now Towerless

It was only a couple of years ago on this blog when longtime contributor Dennis Thompson solved the mystery involving the photograph above, showing farm buildings and high voltage towers.

It was originally thought to have depicted the Neuman Dairy Farm at the corner of Meister Road and Oberlin Avenue. But through his usual relentless research efforts, Dennis discovered that the photo was actually of the Anna Martin farm, which was located on Leavitt Road near where Tower Boulevard intersects with it.

Here’s a corresponding 2017 view.

The whole story was covered in a four-part series beginning here.

Maybe it’s a good thing that Dennis researched the towers with the Ohio Department of Transportation, and photographed them when he did, because they’re gone now – soon to be replaced with monopoles by Ohio Edison.

You can read the story here on the Chronicle-Telegram website. There’s some nice photos too, of the towers being disassembled. (Here’s the Morning Journal’s version, although you might not be able to access it.)

It’s a strange sight indeed, driving down Tower Boulevard from Leavitt to Oberlin Avenue (and beyond) and not seeing the familiar namesake towers. It’s too bad the new monopoles have to go up, it looks great as is.

The book Looking Back on Lorain County by Ernie Henes included a short article about the history of those towers in Lorain County. Just as Dennis discovered in his research, they dated back to the 1920s.

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