Thursday, December 12, 2019

Flying Cars – Ohio Edison Style 1959

I used to take trips to Toronto once or twice a year, and on a few visits caught the Second City stage show (I was a big fan of SCTV). One of these reviews was entitled, “2000 Years and Still No Flying Cars.” I thought it was a hilarious observation.

That was back in 1999.

Well, it’s been 20 years since then and there’s still no flying cars. But back in 1959, the future looked pretty bright and by George, Ohio Edison thought that flying cars were in the near future – and built an ad around that theme.

Here’s the ad, which ran in the Lorain Journal back on Tuesday, December 1, 1959.

Although the ad is somewhat hilarious (in its depiction of Mom and Sis coming in for a landing above Dad and Junior), I have to admit that the artist did a good job of designing the vehicle. And at least one of the futuristic ideas mentioned in the ad (such as the kids being "able to dial a library book, a lecture or a classroom demonstration right into your home – with sound” came true.

I’m afraid, however, that flying cars like that shown in the ad are still decades away.

I just hope I’m not still commuting to Cleveland if they ever do become a reality.


  1. Kinda showing your age with the "by George" statement, by then there's George
    himself in the bottom GIF by George!
