Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Eagle Cafe Ad – December 14, 1946

I’ve had this ad in my files for a quite some time, and finally decided to research it properly so I could post it. It’s for the Eagle Cafe and Restaurant, and took up a half page in the December 14, 1946 edition of the Lorain Journal. (The Jolly Boys are the main attraction.)

The first available city directory that included a listing for Eagle Cafe was the 1947 book. (It wasn’t in the 1945 edition.)

John and Jennie Zaliski (usually spelled ‘Zaleski' and even ‘Zalleski') were the couple behind the business, which was located at 2933 Grove Avenue (today’s Ohio Route 57). It was just a couple blocks from the steel plant, which probably was very beneficial to the business.

Eagle Cafe enjoyed a long run with the Zaleski’s at the helm.

When John retired in the mid-1960s, the business was then operated by Marcia Krizic. By 1970, Andy Krizic was in charge.

The business continued through the 1970s (Victor Matos was the name associated with the cafe in 1975) right into the 1980s. Carlos Burgos was the final name listed with the business in the early 1980s.

Changes finally occurred, when the cafe became known as Kitty’s Place (around 1983), then Eagles Lounge (around 1984) and Las Vegas (in the mid-1980s). By 1987 the 2933 Grove Avenue address was listed as ‘vacant.’

But that’s not the end of the story.

The 2933 Grove Avenue address saw new life beginning in the early 1990s when it became the home of El Patio Mexican Restaurant right into the 1990s. (I carried out from El Patio a few times; its Mexican food was known for its authenticity.)

Today, however, the building at 2933 Grove is condemned, and it will likely meet the fate of so many other deteriorating buildings in Lorain. But for many years, it was the scene for many good times.

UPDATE (January 29, 2020)
Here are a few undated "through the windshield" shots of the former El Patio. I took them sometime in 2019 I believe.


  1. It went from the Jolly Boys in the 1940s to the Drug Boys in the 2010s.That whole part of South Lorain is pretty decrepit and drug infested.I know from relatives that lived in South Lorain.I'm surprised that you didn't get accosted or shot at when you were taking that present day photo Dan......When I order a Giovanni's pizza I always do it in the daytime.And then I hope and pray that I don't have a flat tire or other car trouble.....Yes the Jolly Boys seemed like good clean wholesome fun....The Drug Boys that rule the streets of South Lorain are another matter.They are just one of many problems in Lorain.

  2. I wonder if they got their name from The Great Gildersleeve.
