Monday, November 11, 2019

Veterans Day in Lorain – 1965

It’s Veterans Day, the U. S. federal holiday honoring military veterans, observed each year on November 11th.

It was originally known as Armistice Day, commemorating the armistice signed between the Allies and Germany which ended the hostilities of World War 1. It took effect at the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month of 1918.

Armistice Day was changed to Veterans Day in 1954 to honor all veterans.

During the 1965 Veterans Day ceremony in Lorain, three local World War I veterans appropriately participated in the hosting of the American Flag at City Hall. Gust Schroeder, Vince Sofra of Amherst and Herbert Buchanan were the three who did the flag raising honors.

Read all about it in the article below, which appeared in the Journal on Veterans Day 1965. (Note the old Lorain Police Station in the photo.)

Also on that same front page of the Journal is an encouraging article noting the widespread public support for the men fighting in Viet Nam, despite the media’s publicity of the demonstrations against U. S. policy there.

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