Monday, November 25, 2019

First Congregational Church in Vermilion – Then & Now

Back in November 1957, the First Congregational Church in Vermilion was on the move.

As noted in the article above, which appeared in the Lorain Journal on November 12, 1957, it had held its last service in its old church on Division Street (today’s Main Street). Its new home was out on State Road (State Route 60) south of town.

Here’s a vintage postcard of the beautiful new church.

And here’s my “now” shot from two Sundays ago. 
Today the church is known as Vermilion United Church of Christ, Congregational. I received a nice wave and friendly smile from a parishioner when I pulled into the parking lot.
And to bring things full circle, here’s my “now” shot of the old church. Since 1984 the building has been the home of Millett Auction House and Market Place.
As a bonus, here’s a vintage postcard (courtesy of DSap’s Postcards) of First Congregational Church.

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