Thursday, November 7, 2019

Corner Drugstores Fade Away – Nov. 1968

Although I’m a regular customer of both Ohio-based Discount Drug Mart and national chain Walgreens, like many Baby Boomers I still remember when my parents got their prescriptions from a Mom and Pop drug store.

Since we lived on the west side of Lorain, Whalen Drug was our pharmacy of choice. It is pleasant to think back about going into the store as a kid (to check out the comic books) and being greeted by June, his clerk and seeing Mr. Whalen filling prescriptions.

But the article below, which appeared in the Journal on November 17, 1968 pretty much predicted the end for many of the local corner drug stores. There are many reasons explored in the article, including the lack of pharmacists willing to work for a small operation.

The article isn’t all doom and gloom, however. A more positive view is shared in the article by E. Joseph Shoemaker of Shoemaker’s Pharmacy, which was located at the corner of E. Erie and Kansas Avenues. He points out that “We’re in a profession as well as a service. We’re on call 24 hours a day. You don’t get that kind of service from discount stores.”

You sure don’t. Anyway, here's the article.


  1. Growing-up in Sherwood, we would always go into Whalen's. Remember it had a very distinct smell. Smelled like a drug store!

  2. We went to Elliott's Drugs, at the corner of Broadway and West 20th. Not only was Mr. Friedman our druggist, his wife, Sylvia, was a substitute teacher at Boone. They were both very nice people.

  3. It is much different from when I was young. We lived a block from the drugstore, the pharmacist-owner was a school friend of my mother, he lived in our neighborhood, and I used to buy my comic books and model cars from his store. And he had a soda fountain!

  4. We would ride our bikes up to Whalen's. Never made it past the cash registers where they kept the baseball and football cards, 25 cents a pack from what I remember.

  5. I still miss Revco. CVS runs their stores so poorly.

  6. Whalen's had the ultimate candy selection. Personal favorite, "Bub's Daddy" gum! Anyone remember watermelon flavor? What a bargain for 5 cents (maybe 10 cents). Boyer's Mallo Cup's and Smoothie were runners up! I like a Smoothie's better than Reese's.
    Jx MI
