Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Wienermobile Returns to Lorain County

Last month I did a post about a 1959 visit to Lorain County by Little Oscar and the Oscar Mayer Wienermobile. Stops at the Sparkle Market grocery stores in Lorain and Avon Lake were on the menu that day for the miniature chef and his hot dog on wheels.

Well, while I was in Avon on Sunday morning, getting ready to get on I-90 to go home, I did a double take when I glanced at the traffic exiting the highway.

Unfortunately, I was in the lane to get on I-90, which I did. But being the nosy type, I got off at the next exit (State Route 611) and doubled back so I could see where the thing was going.
I guessed correctly: Walmart.
Although the Wienermobile had only been there a matter of minutes, it was already attracting attention. But I managed to get a few photos.
Although I only hung around for a little more than five minutes, I watched at least five or six parents take a quick photo of their kids in front of it. Everybody seemed to get a kick out of seeing it up close, and it’s obvious that the goodwill mobile frankfurter was serving its purpose well.
I was sorry that I already had my dinner simmering in the crock pot at home, as I suddenly had the urge for a you-know-what with mustard in a toasted New England bun.


  1. I was on a trip out west back in 1994 and saw a Wienermobile.It was in Oklahoma City if I remember correctly.Looked super cool.A part of American ingenuity.Americana at its finest.

  2. I got to see the Weinermobile and meet Little Oscar at the Meyer Goldberg store at Sheffield Shopping Center back in '75.
