Friday, September 6, 2019

What was playing at the Tivoli on Sept. 6, 1959?

To close out this week of what was largely a parade of pop-culture tidbits, let's ask the question: What was playing at Lorain’s Tivoli Theater back on September 6, 1959 – 60 years ago today?

Why none other than the Three Stooges in their first full-length feature film: Have Rocket, Will Travel.

This ad appeared in the Journal a few days before on September 3, 1959.
Here are a few British lobby cards, courtesy of Ebay.

And here’s the clever trailer for the film.

Ever since the Stooges’ Columbia movie shorts appeared regularly on local TV stations in the 1950s, they had been enjoying renewed interest in their act. This led to a full-blown comeback with merchandising, personal appearances in front of adoring crowds of kids, and the opportunity to star in several features for their former studio.

This article from the Binghamton Press and Sun Bulletin of June 3, 1959 explains it all very nicely.

The Stooges were popular enough in Lorain for the trio to make a live appearance here on July 31, 1960 (which I wrote about here, here and here).

Hey, back here on this post, I asked that question: “What was playing at the Tivoli back on Labor Day 1963?” The answer to that question involved Stooges as well!

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