Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Key Harbor Lagoons – Sept. 1963

I’m still learning about Vermilion (the city in which I live), so this article about lagoons in a part of town I never heard of caught my interest. It ran in the Lorain Journal on September 17, 1963 and spotlights the Key Harbor Lagoons and the Vermilion Marina.

As noted in the article, “the twin projects are on the Vermilion River, south of the Nickel Plate Road, at 1295 West River Road.

‘The Key Harbor Lagoons, where five homes are already completed including a model dwelling, will have 61 lots of which 29 are now ready for home building.

“All of the lots, located on lagoons with individual boat dockage, will be on paved streets with all utilities available.”

Erwin Schultz, the secretary-treasurer of Lorain Incorporated, the company behind both projects, noted, “We’re trying to accomplish a development to give the average person with moderate means a kind of living which heretofore has been accessible only to well-to-do residents.”

I wish developers thought like that in 2019.

Key Harbor Lagoons actually broke ground in 1961. Here’s the article from the January 20, 1961 Sandusky Register making the announcement.

Today, Key Harbor retains its original name – but with the addition of a ‘u’ in Harbour.

I drove over there Sunday evening for a few photos.

At the entrance on West River Road

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