Thursday, September 26, 2019

Camp Iss-See-Kes Toboggan Chute – Sept. 1969

September is rapidly winding down, so I’d better post these September 50-years-ago items pronto.

Chronicle-Telegram ad from June 1947
A few days ago, one of my posts dealt with the damage that the flooded Vermilion River did to one couple’s property during the infamous July 4, 1969 storm. Even though more than two months had gone by since the storm, the cleanup continued.

Well, here’s another item along those same lines.

The article and photo above, which ran in the Journal on September 22, 1969, describes the damage that the storm did to the popular toboggan chute at Camp Iss-See-Kes on the Vermilion River, and the steps being taken to repair it.

It’s interesting that the Ohio Defense Corps was involved with the repair. This article on the Ohio History Connection website explains the relationship of the Ohio Defense Corps (now known as the Ohio Military Reserve) and the Ohio National Guard.

Anyway, I’m always happy to post anything about Camp Iss-See-Kes, because the people who camped there as kids have such fond memories of the place. If you are a Facebook member, be sure to visit the Camp Iss See Kes Facebook page here; if you scroll down, there is a comment by Dean Rader that includes a photo of the toboggan chute.

And click here to visit my past blog posts on the Camp.

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